It is the policy of Innovative Learning (the “Company”) to maintain an online learning environment free of all forms of unlawful discrimination.
The Company will not discriminate against learners/course participants on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, age, marital status, disability, socioeconomic or ethnic background, sexual orientation, veteran status or national origin.
The Company will only gather the personal information necessary to process payment for the online courses, register the participants in the purchased online courses, and issue ASHA CE for successfully completing the online course.
In the event the company provides a face to face training all course instructors will demonstrate a high standard of professional conduct and will not discriminate against course participants on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, age, marital status, disability, socioeconomic or ethnic background, sexual orientation, veteran status or national origin.
All instructors will be required to sign and date this policy prior to providing any face to face Innovative Learning training as evidence that they are aware of this policy. The original signed form will be maintained in the instructor’s personnel file located in Innovative Learning’s Central office in Solvang, California.
The Company has ensured that the latest technology is embedded in the LMS and available to our course participants including text to speech features and zoom capabilities.
Any learner or participant who believes that he or she has been discriminated against unlawfully should bring any complaint to the Managing Director. Complaints may be lodged in writing or in person. Persons who file complaints will be advised, as is appropriate, regarding any investigation, action or resolution of the problem.
The Company will not tolerate any form of discrimination and will take appropriate disciplinary action, including possibly termination, of any person determined to have engaged in unlawful conduct under this policy.
The Company will not retaliate nor discriminate against any employee or applicant ro because he or she has opposed any unlawful employment practice or filed a charge of employment discrimination, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to employment practices.